
Maureen ST Germain
Owner of Transformational Enterprises Inc
Teacher and Facilitator of Flower of LIfe Merkaba Meditaion Classes as well as Author, and Workshop facilitaton.
website. www.maureenstgermain.com
I have observed Sandra Richardson move from a disabled sick mom unable to care
for her own children to an evolved thriving catalyst of change for others.
She has worked through issues (her own and others) and I see her today as a
brilliant facilitator of transformation. She has mastered many modalities
and her toolbox is wonderfully full with resources she has learned from
teachers all over the world. Using her inner wisdom which is turned on, I
have seen her use these tools and find she has a great understanding of
their application and use.
I trust her to take good care of my clients, having referred them to her for
specialized work. If you come to Sandra for assistance, I can attest that
you are in good hands with her able talent and knowledge. I often recommend
her to clients who need the kind of work she does. When the guides through
me such as the Akashic Record Keepers recommend her, you can count on her help to assist you in clearing up past life issues and reconnect with health
in this lifetime.

Anuhea Meyers Reiki Master/Ceremonialist
Missoula, Montana
June 2009
When I first met Sandra in June of 1992, I found her to be quite fragile and somewhat self-effacing trying to seem just 'fine'. She was dealing with Fibromyalgia. As a consequence she was hiding her true being from herself and everyone else. After our meeting she invited me to come to Canada to facilitate a group. This request seemed to bring her closer to her self-knowing. I felt excitement and recognition blooming in her mind and heart. When she then asked me to come again it was clear that she had been thirsting for affirmation of what she was feeling and knowing of her own truth.
Sandra then began a new journey in exploring and manifesting who SHE truly is. She, I am sure, thought long and hard about what was her place in the world, how she could make a difference. The most interesting part of her newness is that she offered me a session. Although she is new in this field I have no thoughts of someone being shy or hesitant.
Sandra is exquisitely confident, supportive and loving. The most wonderful experience for me is to see my student becoming my teacher. I congratulate you my friend.

I walked out FEARLESS!
I totally let go of a life time of fears in ONE session!
(Snakes, Heights, Dentists)
What FREEDOM! ….
Charlotte Niemi
Reiki Master/Artist
Security Guard

Guided hypnosis with Sandra has been an incredible and life changing experience. She has helped me to get to the root of many of my negative beliefs. I now find the negative self –talk is gone. I feel a new found strength in my self and my instincts. I find my self more relaxed, confident, and believing that I do deserve good things and people in my life. My stress levels have dramatically reduced. I find my thought process much clearer. I look forward to more sessions with Sandra. I know that this will ensure that my dreams do become reality. Thank you Sandra for your guidance, understanding, and for being the caring person you are.
Giselle Ennis
Testimonial from Diane Smith
Admin Assistant/Office Manager
I went to Sandra toe get help with the extreme bitterness and anger I was feeling towards life. I hated life and how I was feeling and wanted help and an explanation as to why I was feeling the way I was. Boy did I get both!! After ONE session we discovered that I had an entity form a long ago past life that I have been carrying around. Sandra was able to work with me during Hypnosis, to get to the heart of why the entity was with me and to release it. Since then I have discovered more zest for life. I have not experienced any of the extreme anger/rage or any of the bitterness. I am amazed at how quickly this issue was resolved. After trying counseling and finding results were slow to come about, I would never go back to it, instead keep working with Sandra. To feel relief and to have a resolution and an explanation in so short a time is fantastic! Thank you Sandra.
Sandra's sessions are powerful and transformative. With her guidance, I've been able to explore my beliefs and past experiences about abundance, wealth and prosperity. Each session helped me change, grow and become more comfortable with creating, attracting and accepting true wealth into all areas of my life. These sessions have been an invaluable tool for growing my business and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate.
Amber Rockenbach, BGS
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Thank-you Sandra for sharing your Divine gift with us with the Wealth Consciousness Circle sessions.
I have experienced such powerful shifts each and every session in myself and have witnessed the same in others that it is truly an honour to participate in such a transformational process.
Each session has made a deep impact on me and I've noticed a gradual increase in my self-worth each week which has naturally resulted in my feeling confident to increase the rates of the session I offer because I am beginning to clearly see their true value.
Yet, yesterday's session has really made a profound change within me that I can feel to the core of my being.
There is such tremendous power in doing this work as a group.
You and the group's support yesterday made an enormous impact on me that within hours I felt a renewed strength and determination growing.
I feel like that part of me that sabotaged my success in the past by not fully carrying through with the action steps needed to fulfill my life's intentions has been released!
In deep humble gratitude and radiant love,
Wendy Gorloo BCS
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Recconective Healing Practitioner,
Dance for Birth Facilitator
As I experienced these incredible Prosperity Circles as part of the Wealth Consciousness group, I began to notice that each journey successively linked to that last and more and more pieces started to come together. This meant more and more of my Life began to make sense! I had an amazing breakthrough during my 3 journey, which is still unfolding as I continue to reflect on the messages that link many of my past limiting thoughts, feelings and behaviours together. These are incredibly powerful and insightful. Highly recommended!
Corinne Cornish
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Teacher